As my first novel is now available on most online sales platforms, I am beginning to get some initial reviews. Thank you so much if you are one of those lovely people!
Here are three highlights:
1. Hey Gareth, and I've read 75 pages in one sitting. It's a good read - it comfortably carries me along, lovely detail, great descriptive language all round. I used to play with my tiny hand painted toy soldiers and re-enact the battle around La Haye Sainte - so it's great to have your insightful account. Yes, here's to the sequel! Antony - see his photo with 3 copies - for him and his two brothers!!!
2: The story begins with a tone of experiment and with an aura of suspense. The author does not instantly reveal his motive and the plotline. Richard gets a chance to travel to the past and change the narrative events that happened to the great Napoleon Bonaparte. Grab this book to know more about the experiences and interaction of Richard with the great French Emperor. There are a lot of characters displayed in the story. Each character is given an important role to play. Even the minor characters are responsible for moving the plot forward.
Moreover, this book resembles the theme of Shakespeare's plays which revolves around the historical subject. The interactions with Napoleon resembles the scenes in Doctor Faustus where he interacts with Alexander the Great. The usage of modern concepts like time travel and reverse situations adds intriguing effects while reading the fiction. Henceforth, this book is recommended to those who love to read stories with a blend of history and imagination. Grace.reads
3: I have a complaint to pass on ….started reading his book last night on Kindle and was still awake at 5am!!! Couldn’t put it down 😂 He’s such a good writer! Will defo be leaving a review when I’ve finished. His descriptions are fab and I just keep wanting to get back in the present/past….lol hoping to get a better sleep tonight 😅 xx
Page Turner is exactly how I would put it…. And his descriptions make you feel you’re there! Freezing cold, tired and wet, trying to light fires….so good! Love a good book! And also love that it’s book 1 of more to come? Claire
